Sunday 8 January 2012

The birth of a hater!

The time is now 8:47 on a sunday night in Woodbridge, Ontario. I just finished writing my essay for a class at dork university (Hate it). It's due next month; I'm awesome that way. I also ate 4 slices of pizza, can you imagine what I look like? No, I'm not overweight you assholes. Just imagining me that way based off something I eat says a lot about how society has developed. Anyway, after finishing my essay I realized I have lots of opinions and shit, about random shit. Right now my hot topic is oppression. I love oppression.

Here's a quick bio on me for those stalkers and teenage girls out there. I did 1 year in university, more like half a year, and joined the army. I was pretty smart back then and realized that university is stupid, especially when you have no real goals yet, other than get a job, get a house, and get married (75% of the population). Yeah its a random stat, but I'd bet my hair on it that its true. So, instead of finishing the year, I decided that it was a waste of time and joined the army instead. BEST DECISION EVER!  Army > University @ ages 17-20.

At these ages, you really don't know what you want and find yourself unmotivated, changing degrees, dropping courses that you already paid for, and all the other stupid shit that goes a long with being a person who values nothing. Again, this is like 90% of the student body.

Being in the army, you learn a lot of useful lessons in. They include things from using a gun (important for Torontians), how to kick in a door, saving someones life, how to survive in a dirt hole, how to dig your own grave, and most importantly cynicism and hate.

You learn to by cynical in the army from all the misleading and misinformation they give you. They tell you you're going to be done work in 1 hour; this some how turns into a 2 day exercise in the snow. "Surprise mother fucker!" They would say. After getting tricked, you learn not to believe in anything people say. After getting the aftermath of that trick, like having to live outside in the cold for 2 days, you learn to hate.

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